
Setting up a slidge component

Refer to the slidge admin docs for generic instructions on how to set up a slidge component, and for slidge core configuration options.

slidcord-specific config

AUTO_FETCH_FRIENDS_BIO If set to true, slidcord will automatically fetch the 'bio' of your discord friends on startup, to push VCards4 to you. Disabled by default because of the rate limiting it triggers for some users.
CONVERT_STICKERS Convert incoming animated stickers to webm videos. Requires in $PATH, cf <>, along with FFMPEG.
CONVERT_STICKERS_EXECUTABLE Path to the TGS/webm converter executable.
CONVERT_STICKERS_FPS Framerate of the video stickers
CONVERT_STICKERS_SIZE Width and height video stickers.
DISCORD_VERBOSE Let the discord lib at the same loglevel as others loggers. By default, it's set it to WARNING because it's *really* verbose.
MUC_BACK_FILL The number of messages to fetch in text channels on slidge startup.