

Module Contents

slidgram.config._api_txt = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
If you dont set it, users will have to enter their own on registration."""
slidgram.config.API_ID: int | None = None[source]
slidgram.config.API_ID__DOC = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Telegram app api_id, obtained at
If you dont set it, users will have to enter their own on registration."""
slidgram.config.API_HASH: str | None = None[source]
slidgram.config.API_HASH__DOC = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
"""Telegram app api_hash, obtained at
If you dont set it, users will have to enter their own on registration."""
slidgram.config.REGISTRATION_AUTH_CODE_TIMEOUT: int = 60[source]
slidgram.config.REGISTRATION_AUTH_CODE_TIMEOUT__DOC = 'On registration, users will be prompted for a 2FA code they receive on other telegram clients.'[source]
slidgram.config.GROUP_HISTORY_MAXIMUM_MESSAGES = 50[source]
slidgram.config.GROUP_HISTORY_MAXIMUM_MESSAGES__DOC = 'The number of messages to fetch from a group history. These messages and their attachments will...[source]
slidgram.config.ATTACHMENT_MAX_SIZE: int = 10485760[source]
slidgram.config.ATTACHMENT_MAX_SIZE__DOC = 'Maximum file size (in bytes) to download from telegram automatically/'[source]
slidgram.config.BIG_AVATARS = False[source]
slidgram.config.BIG_AVATARS__DOC = 'Fetch contact avatars in high-resolution (640x640) instead of the default 160x160. NB: slidge...[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS = True[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS__DOC = 'Convert incoming animated stickers to webm videos. Requires in $PATH, cf...[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_EXECUTABLE = ''[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_EXECUTABLE__DOC = 'Path to the TGS/webm converter executable.'[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_SIZE = 128[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_SIZE__DOC = 'Width and height video stickers.'[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_FPS = 60[source]
slidgram.config.CONVERT_STICKERS_FPS__DOC = 'Framerate of the video stickers'[source]