
Module Contents#

slidcord.config.DISCORD_VERBOSE = False[source]#
slidcord.config.DISCORD_VERBOSE__DOC = "Let the discord lib at the same loglevel as others loggers. By default, it's set it to WARNING..."[source]#
slidcord.config.MUC_BACK_FILL = 5[source]#
slidcord.config.MUC_BACK_FILL__DOC = 'The number of messages to fetch in text channels on slidge startup.'[source]#
slidcord.config.AUTO_FETCH_FRIENDS_BIO = False[source]#
slidcord.config.AUTO_FETCH_FRIENDS_BIO__DOC = "If set to true, slidcord will automatically fetch the 'bio' of your discord friends on startup,..."[source]#