Recent blog posts

Slidge progress notes

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Fellow bridgers, if you're reading this, it means that I have finally gathered the motivation to write this long due "Slidge progress notes" blog post. Hooray! A lot has happened for Slidge since the latest blog post, so I will not attempt to …


Breaking news: Slidge v0.1.0 RC1 is out!

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Isn't it nice when computers let us use whatever weird colors, workflows, keyboard bindings, or child sacrifice we like to use, instead of forcing us into a one-size-fits-all "intuitive" UI? Slidge is a collection of XMPP gateway components that lets you use your …


Slidge beta2 and some news

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It has almost been two months since I announced slidge beta0. A lot has been fixed and improved during these two months, thanks to a few early adopters that I will never thank enough for their patience and time. All in all, it …


Slidge v0.1.0 beta

The first beta of Slidge (XMPP bridges) is out!