
In order to receive file attachments via slidge, you have two options:

  • No upload: serve static files from a folder via an HTTP server (eg nginx, prosody’s http_files, etc.)

  • HTTP File Upload (XEP-0363)

No upload

At the minimum, you need to set up no-upload-path to a local directory, no-upload-url-prefix to an URL prefix pointing to files in that directory (see Configuration for details on how to set these options).

Make sure that no-upload-path is writeable by slidge and readable by your HTTP server. You may use no-upload-file-read-others=true to do that easily, but you might want to restrict which users can read this directory.


Slidge will not take care of removing old files, so you should set up a cronjob, a systemd timer, or something similar, to regularly delete files, eg. find . -mtime +7 -delete && find . -depth -type d -empty -delete to clean up files older than a week.

For the following examples, in slidge’s config, you would have no-upload-path=/var/lib/slidge/attachments.

Example 1: prosody’s http_files

Here, no-upload-url-prefix would be, as per the mod_http_files documentation.

modules_enabled = {
  -- Other modules

-- Must be the same value as slidge's no-upload-path
http_files_dir = "/var/lib/slidge/attachments"

Example 2: nginx

Here, no-upload-url-prefix would be

server {
  listen 80;
  root /var/www/html;  # if you already have nginx serving files…

  # the section below is for slidge
  location /slidge {
    #  Must be the same value as slidge's no-upload-path
    alias /var/lib/slidge/attachments/;

See the nginx docs for more info.

HTTP File Upload

This was slidge only option up to v0.1.0rc1, but is now not recommended. You need to manually set the JID of the upload service that slidge must use, eg (see Configuration). Slidge will upload files to your upload component, just like you do from your normal account, whenever you share a file via XEP-0363.


  • does not require slidge to be on the same host as the XMPP server

  • might be easier to set up (works out-of-the-box-ish on prosody)

  • upload components generally handle quotas and cleaning of old files


  • more resource usage (using HTTP to copy or move files on a single host)

Example 1: prosody’s mod_http_file_share

In slidge’s config:

Component "" "http_file_share"
  -- max file size: 16 MiB
  http_file_share_size_limit = 16*1024*1024

  -- max per day per slidge component: 100 MiB
  http_file_share_daily_quota = 100*1024*1024

  -- 1 GiB total
  http_file_share_global_quota = 1024*1024*1024

  -- starting from prosody > 0.12 you will need to add one of these two lines:
  -- server_user_role = "prosody:registered"
  -- http_file_share_access = { "" }

More info: mod_http_file_share.

Example 2: ejabberd mod_http_upload

ejabberd’s HTTP upload will not let the component directly request upload slots, so you need to use a pseudo user on the component domain, (eg, with Slidge’s option.

In slidge’s config:

The subdomain’s FQDN ( should be listed under the top level ‘hosts’.

  - ""

      - ""

    port: 5443
    module: ejabberd_http
    tls: true
      /upload: mod_http_upload

    # Any path that ejabberd has read and write access to
    docroot: /ejabberd/upload
    put_url: "https://@HOST@:5443/upload"
      - allow: local
      - allow: slidge_acl

To get more information about component configuration, see ejabberd’s docs.