Tutorial: minimal legacy module from scratch

Wanna write a new “legacy chat network” slidge plugin? You’ve come to the right place.

Minimal example

Let’s say we want to create a gateway to the famous super duper chat network. Put this in a file called superduper.py:

import super_duper.api  # great python lib!
from super_duper.client import SuperDuperClient

from slidge import *

class Gateway(BaseGateway):
    COMPONENT_NAME = "Gateway to the super duper chat network"

class Session(BaseSession):
    def __init__(self, user: GatewayUser):
        self.legacy = SuperDuperClient(

    async def login():
        await self.legacy.login()

    async def incoming_legacy_message(self, msg: super_duper.api.Message):
        contact = await self.contacts.by_legacy_id(msg.sender)

    async def on_text(self, chat: Recipient, text: str, *kwargs):
        self.legacy.send_message(text=text, destination=chat.legacy_id)

This can now be launched using slidge --legacy-network=superduper --server=...

The gateway component

Let’s dissect this a bit:

class Gateway(BaseGateway):
    COMPONENT_NAME = "Gateway to the super duper chat network"

By subclassing slidge.BaseGateway we can customize our gateway component in various ways. Here we just changed its name (something we have to do), but we could also change the registration form fields by overriding slidge.BaseGateway.REGISTRATION_FIELDS, among other things.

The legacy session


class Session(BaseSession):
    def __init__(self, user: GatewayUser):
        self.legacy = SuperDuperClient(

The session represents the gateway user’s session on the legacy network. To add custom attributes to it, override the __init__ without changing its signature and do not forget to call the base class __init__. The slidge.Session.user attribute is a slidge.GatewayUser instance and can be used to access the fields that the user filled when subscribing to the gateway, via slidge.GatewayUser.registration_form dict.

Here, we added a legacy attribute to the session instance, because our fake superduper lib is coded this way. YMMV depending on the library you use. Good python libs provide an event handler mechanism similar to what you see here.


async def login(self):
    await self.legacy.login()

When the gateway user is logged, this method is called on its slidge.Session.user instance. With the superduper library, starting to receive incoming messages is very convenient, as you can see.

From legacy to XMPP

async def incoming_legacy_message(self, msg: super_duper.api.Message):
    contact = await self.contacts.by_legacy_id(msg.sender)
    contact.send_text(msg.body, legacy_msg_id=msg.id)

We are really lucky, superduper user IDs can directly be mapped to the user part of a JID. We can just use our session’s virtual legacy roster to retrieve a slidge.LegacyContact instance. Just by calling slidge.LegacyContact.send_text(), we effectively transported the message’s text to the gateway user. Ain’t that great?

From XMPP to legacy

async def on_text(self, chat: Recipient, text: str, **kwargs):
    self.legacy.send_message(text=text, destination=chat.legacy_id)

When our user sends a message to something@superduper.example.org, this method is automagically called, allowing us to transmit the message to the legacy network.

Going further

Until we actually write this section, you can refer to slidge for the API reference, to superduper for a mock legacy module that serves as a minimal working example, or have a look at the existing legacy modules