from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from slidge.command import Command, CommandAccess, Form, FormField
from slidge.util import is_valid_phone_number
from slixmpp import JID
from slixmpp.exceptions import XMPPError
from .generated import whatsapp
from .session import Session
[docs]class Logout(Command):
[docs] NAME = "🔓 Disconnect from WhatsApp"
[docs] HELP = (
"Disconnects active WhatsApp session without removing any linked device credentials. "
"To re-connect, use the 're-login' command."
[docs] CHAT_COMMAND = "logout"
[docs] ACCESS = CommandAccess.USER_LOGGED
[docs] async def run(
session: Optional["Session"], # type:ignore
ifrom: JID,
) -> str:
assert session is not None
except Exception as e:
session.send_gateway_status(f"Logout failed: {e}", show="dnd")
raise XMPPError(
text=f"Could not logout WhatsApp session: {e}",
session.send_gateway_status("Logged out", show="away")
return "Logged out successfully"
[docs]class PairPhone(Command):
[docs] NAME = "📱 Complete registration via phone number"
[docs] HELP = (
"As an alternative to QR code verification, this allows you to complete registration "
"by inputing a one-time code into the official WhatsApp client; this requires that you "
"provide the phone number used for the main device, in international format "
"(e.g. +447700900000). See more information here:"
[docs] CHAT_COMMAND = "pair-phone"
[docs] ACCESS = CommandAccess.USER_NON_LOGGED
[docs] async def run(
session: Optional["Session"], # type:ignore
ifrom: JID,
) -> Form:
return Form(
title="Pair to WhatsApp via phone number",
instructions="Enter your phone number in international format (e.g. +447700900000)",
fields=[FormField(var="phone", label="Phone number", required=True)],
handler=self.finish, # type:ignore
[docs] async def finish(form_values: dict, session: "Session", _ifrom: JID):
p = form_values.get("phone")
if not is_valid_phone_number(p):
raise ValueError("Not a valid phone number", p)
code = session.whatsapp.PairPhone(p)
return f"Please open the official WhatsApp client and input the following code: {code}"
[docs]class ChangePresence(Command):
[docs] NAME = "📴 Set WhatsApp web presence"
[docs] HELP = (
"If you want to receive notifications in the WhatsApp official client,"
"you need to set your presence to unavailable. As a side effect, you "
"won't receive receipts and presences from your contacts."
[docs] CHAT_COMMAND = "presence"
[docs] ACCESS = CommandAccess.USER_LOGGED
[docs] async def run(
session: Optional["Session"], # type:ignore
ifrom: JID,
) -> Form:
return Form(
title="Set WhatsApp web presence",
instructions="Choose what type of presence you want to set",
{"label": "Available", "value": "available"},
{"label": "Unavailable", "value": "unavailable"},
handler=self.finish, # type:ignore
[docs] async def finish(form_values: dict, session: "Session", _ifrom: JID):
p = form_values.get("presence")
if p == "available":
session.whatsapp.SendPresence(whatsapp.PresenceAvailable, "")
elif p == "unavailable":
session.whatsapp.SendPresence(whatsapp.PresenceUnavailable, "")
raise ValueError("Not a valid presence kind.", p)
return f"Presence succesfully set to {p}"
[docs]class SubscribeToPresences(Command):
[docs] NAME = "🔔 Subscribe to contacts' presences"
[docs] HELP = (
"Subscribes to and refreshes contacts' presences; typically this is "
"done automatically, but re-subscribing might be useful in case contact "
"presences are stuck or otherwise not updating."
[docs] CHAT_COMMAND = "subscribe"
[docs] ACCESS = CommandAccess.USER_LOGGED
[docs] async def run(
session: Optional["Session"], # type:ignore
ifrom: JID,
) -> str:
assert session is not None
return "Looks like no exception was raised. Success, I guess?"