# python wrapper for package codeberg.org/slidge/slidge-whatsapp/slidge_whatsapp within overall package whatsapp
# This is what you import to use the package.
# File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
# gopy build -output=generated -no-make=true .
# the following is required to enable dlopen to open the _go.so file
import os,sys,inspect,collections
import collections.abc as _collections_abc
except ImportError:
_collections_abc = collections
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
from . import _whatsapp
from . import go
# to use this code in your end-user python file, import it as follows:
# from whatsapp import whatsapp
# and then refer to everything using whatsapp. prefix
# packages imported by this package listed below:
# ---- Types ---
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.Attachment
class Slice_whatsapp_Attachment(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Attachment.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_Attachment(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return Attachment(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Attachment.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = Attachment(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Attachment_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.Contact
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.Group
class Slice_whatsapp_Group(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Group.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_Group(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return Group(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Group.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = Group(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Group_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.GroupParticipant
class Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return GroupParticipant(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = GroupParticipant(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.Message
class Slice_whatsapp_Message(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Message.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_Message(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return Message(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Message.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = Message(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Message_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.PollOption
class Slice_whatsapp_PollOption(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_PollOption.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_PollOption(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return PollOption(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_PollOption.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = PollOption(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_PollOption_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
# Python type for slice []whatsapp.Receipt
class Slice_whatsapp_Receipt(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Receipt.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_len(self.handle)
return Slice_whatsapp_Receipt(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return Receipt(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_whatsapp_Receipt.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = Receipt(handle=_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_elem(self.handle, self.index))
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_Receipt_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
#---- Enums from Go (collections of consts with same type) ---
from enum import Enum
class CallState(Enum):
CallState represents the state of the call to synchronize with.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
class ChatStateKind(Enum):
ChatStateKind represents the different kinds of chat-states possible in WhatsApp.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
class EventKind(Enum):
EventKind represents all event types recognized by the Python session adapter, as emitted by the
Go session adapter.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
class GroupAffiliation(Enum):
GroupAffiliation represents the set of privilidges given to a specific participant in a group.
GroupAffiliationNone = 0
GroupAffiliationAdmin = 1
GroupAffiliationOwner = 2
GroupAffiliationNone = 0
GroupAffiliationAdmin = 1
GroupAffiliationOwner = 2
class GroupParticipantAction(Enum):
GroupParticipantAction represents the distinct set of actions that can be taken when encountering
a group participant, typically to add or remove.
GroupParticipantActionAdd = 0
GroupParticipantActionRemove = 1
GroupParticipantActionDemote = 3
GroupParticipantActionAdd = 0
GroupParticipantActionRemove = 1
GroupParticipantActionDemote = 3
class MessageKind(Enum):
MessageKind represents all concrete message types (plain-text messages, edit messages, reactions)
recognized by the Python session adapter.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
class PresenceKind(Enum):
PresenceKind represents the different kinds of activity states possible in WhatsApp.
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
PresenceUnavailable = 2
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
PresenceUnavailable = 2
The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
class PreviewKind(Enum):
PreviewKind represents different ways of previewingadditional data inline with messages.
class ReceiptKind(Enum):
ReceiptKind represents the different types of delivery receipts possible in WhatsApp.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
#---- Constants from Go: Python can only ask that you please don't change these! ---
DefaultGroupServer = "g.us"
DefaultUserServer = "s.whatsapp.net"
# ---- Global Variables: can only use functions to access ---
# ---- Interfaces ---
# ---- Structs ---
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Album
class Album(go.GoClass):
"""A Album message represents a collection of media files, typically images and videos.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.IsAlbum = args[0]
if "IsAlbum" in kwargs:
self.IsAlbum = kwargs["IsAlbum"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.ImageCount = args[1]
if "ImageCount" in kwargs:
self.ImageCount = kwargs["ImageCount"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.VideoCount = args[2]
if "VideoCount" in kwargs:
self.VideoCount = kwargs["VideoCount"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Album{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Album ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def IsAlbum(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_IsAlbum_Get(self.handle)
def IsAlbum(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_IsAlbum_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_IsAlbum_Set(self.handle, value)
def ImageCount(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_ImageCount_Get(self.handle)
def ImageCount(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_ImageCount_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_ImageCount_Set(self.handle, value)
def VideoCount(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_VideoCount_Get(self.handle)
def VideoCount(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_VideoCount_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Album_VideoCount_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Avatar
class Avatar(go.GoClass):
"""A Avatar represents a small image set for a Contact or Group.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.ID = args[0]
if "ID" in kwargs:
self.ID = kwargs["ID"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.URL = args[1]
if "URL" in kwargs:
self.URL = kwargs["URL"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Avatar{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Avatar ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def ID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_ID_Get(self.handle)
def ID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_ID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_ID_Set(self.handle, value)
def URL(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_URL_Get(self.handle)
def URL(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_URL_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Avatar_URL_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.EventPayload
class EventPayload(go.GoClass):
"""EventPayload represents the collected payloads for all event types handled by the overarching\nsession adapter handler. Only specific fields will be populated in events emitted by internal\nhandlers, see documentation for specific types for more information.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.QRCode = args[0]
if "QRCode" in kwargs:
self.QRCode = kwargs["QRCode"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.PairDeviceID = args[1]
if "PairDeviceID" in kwargs:
self.PairDeviceID = kwargs["PairDeviceID"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Connect = args[2]
if "Connect" in kwargs:
self.Connect = kwargs["Connect"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Contact = args[3]
if "Contact" in kwargs:
self.Contact = kwargs["Contact"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.Presence = args[4]
if "Presence" in kwargs:
self.Presence = kwargs["Presence"]
if 5 < len(args):
self.Message = args[5]
if "Message" in kwargs:
self.Message = kwargs["Message"]
if 6 < len(args):
self.ChatState = args[6]
if "ChatState" in kwargs:
self.ChatState = kwargs["ChatState"]
if 7 < len(args):
self.Receipt = args[7]
if "Receipt" in kwargs:
self.Receipt = kwargs["Receipt"]
if 8 < len(args):
self.Group = args[8]
if "Group" in kwargs:
self.Group = kwargs["Group"]
if 9 < len(args):
self.Call = args[9]
if "Call" in kwargs:
self.Call = kwargs["Call"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.EventPayload{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.EventPayload ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def QRCode(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_QRCode_Get(self.handle)
def QRCode(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_QRCode_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_QRCode_Set(self.handle, value)
def PairDeviceID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_PairDeviceID_Get(self.handle)
def PairDeviceID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_PairDeviceID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_PairDeviceID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Connect(self):
return Connect(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Connect_Get(self.handle))
def Connect(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Connect_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Contact(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Contact_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Presence(self):
return Presence(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Presence_Get(self.handle))
def Presence(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Presence_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Message(self):
return Message(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Message_Get(self.handle))
def Message(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Message_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def ChatState(self):
return ChatState(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_ChatState_Get(self.handle))
def ChatState(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_ChatState_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Receipt(self):
return Receipt(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Receipt_Get(self.handle))
def Receipt(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Receipt_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Group(self):
return Group(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Group_Get(self.handle))
def Group(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Group_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Call(self):
return Call(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Call_Get(self.handle))
def Call(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_EventPayload_Call_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Message
class Message(go.GoClass):
"""A Message represents one of many kinds of bidirectional communication payloads, for example, a\ntext message, a file (image, video) attachment, an emoji reaction, etc. Messages of different\nkinds are denoted as such, and re-use fields where the semantics overlap.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Kind = args[0]
if "Kind" in kwargs:
self.Kind = kwargs["Kind"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.ID = args[1]
if "ID" in kwargs:
self.ID = kwargs["ID"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.JID = args[2]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.GroupJID = args[3]
if "GroupJID" in kwargs:
self.GroupJID = kwargs["GroupJID"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.OriginJID = args[4]
if "OriginJID" in kwargs:
self.OriginJID = kwargs["OriginJID"]
if 5 < len(args):
self.Body = args[5]
if "Body" in kwargs:
self.Body = kwargs["Body"]
if 6 < len(args):
self.Timestamp = args[6]
if "Timestamp" in kwargs:
self.Timestamp = kwargs["Timestamp"]
if 7 < len(args):
self.IsCarbon = args[7]
if "IsCarbon" in kwargs:
self.IsCarbon = kwargs["IsCarbon"]
if 8 < len(args):
self.IsForwarded = args[8]
if "IsForwarded" in kwargs:
self.IsForwarded = kwargs["IsForwarded"]
if 9 < len(args):
self.ReplyID = args[9]
if "ReplyID" in kwargs:
self.ReplyID = kwargs["ReplyID"]
if 10 < len(args):
self.ReplyBody = args[10]
if "ReplyBody" in kwargs:
self.ReplyBody = kwargs["ReplyBody"]
if 11 < len(args):
self.Attachments = args[11]
if "Attachments" in kwargs:
self.Attachments = kwargs["Attachments"]
if 12 < len(args):
self.Preview = args[12]
if "Preview" in kwargs:
self.Preview = kwargs["Preview"]
if 13 < len(args):
self.Location = args[13]
if "Location" in kwargs:
self.Location = kwargs["Location"]
if 14 < len(args):
self.Poll = args[14]
if "Poll" in kwargs:
self.Poll = kwargs["Poll"]
if 15 < len(args):
self.Album = args[15]
if "Album" in kwargs:
self.Album = kwargs["Album"]
if 16 < len(args):
self.MentionJIDs = args[16]
if "MentionJIDs" in kwargs:
self.MentionJIDs = kwargs["MentionJIDs"]
if 17 < len(args):
self.Receipts = args[17]
if "Receipts" in kwargs:
self.Receipts = kwargs["Receipts"]
if 18 < len(args):
self.Reactions = args[18]
if "Reactions" in kwargs:
self.Reactions = kwargs["Reactions"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Message{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Message ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Kind(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Kind_Get(self.handle)
def Kind(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Kind_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Kind_Set(self.handle, value)
def ID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ID_Get(self.handle)
def ID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ID_Set(self.handle, value)
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def GroupJID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_GroupJID_Get(self.handle)
def GroupJID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value)
def OriginJID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_OriginJID_Get(self.handle)
def OriginJID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_OriginJID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_OriginJID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Body(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Body_Get(self.handle)
def Body(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Body_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Body_Set(self.handle, value)
def Timestamp(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Timestamp_Get(self.handle)
def Timestamp(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value)
def IsCarbon(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsCarbon_Get(self.handle)
def IsCarbon(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsCarbon_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsCarbon_Set(self.handle, value)
def IsForwarded(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsForwarded_Get(self.handle)
def IsForwarded(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsForwarded_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_IsForwarded_Set(self.handle, value)
def ReplyID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyID_Get(self.handle)
def ReplyID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyID_Set(self.handle, value)
def ReplyBody(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyBody_Get(self.handle)
def ReplyBody(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyBody_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_ReplyBody_Set(self.handle, value)
def Attachments(self):
return Slice_whatsapp_Attachment(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Attachments_Get(self.handle))
def Attachments(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Attachments_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Preview(self):
return Preview(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Preview_Get(self.handle))
def Preview(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Preview_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Location(self):
return Location(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Location_Get(self.handle))
def Location(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Location_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Poll(self):
return Poll(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Poll_Get(self.handle))
def Poll(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Poll_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Album(self):
return Album(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Album_Get(self.handle))
def Album(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Album_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def MentionJIDs(self):
return go.Slice_string(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_MentionJIDs_Get(self.handle))
def MentionJIDs(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_MentionJIDs_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Receipts(self):
return Slice_whatsapp_Receipt(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Receipts_Get(self.handle))
def Receipts(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Receipts_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Reactions(self):
return Slice_whatsapp_Message(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Reactions_Get(self.handle))
def Reactions(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Message_Reactions_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Session
class Session(go.GoClass):
"""A Session represents a connection (active or not) between a linked device and WhatsApp. Active\nsessions need to be established by logging in, after which incoming events will be forwarded to\nthe adapter event handler, and outgoing events will be forwarded to WhatsApp.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_CTor()
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Session{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Session ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Login(self):
"""Login() str
Login attempts to authenticate the given [Session], either by re-using the [LinkedDevice] attached
or by initiating a pairing session for a new linked device. Callers are expected to have set an
event handler in order to receive any incoming events from the underlying WhatsApp session.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_Login(self.handle)
def Logout(self):
"""Logout() str
Logout disconnects and removes the current linked device locally and initiates a logout remotely.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_Logout(self.handle)
def Disconnect(self):
"""Disconnect() str
Disconnects detaches the current connection to WhatsApp without removing any linked device state.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_Disconnect(self.handle)
def PairPhone(self, phone):
"""PairPhone(str phone) str, str
PairPhone returns a one-time code from WhatsApp, used for pairing this [Session] against the
user's primary device, as identified by the given phone number. This will return an error if the
[Session] is already paired, or if the phone number given is empty or invalid.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_PairPhone(self.handle, phone)
def SendMessage(self, message):
"""SendMessage(object message) str
SendMessage processes the given Message and sends a WhatsApp message for the kind and contact JID
specified within. In general, different message kinds require different fields to be set; see the
documentation for the [Message] type for more information.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SendMessage(self.handle, message.handle)
def GenerateMessageID(self):
"""GenerateMessageID() str
GenerateMessageID returns a valid, pseudo-random message ID for use in outgoing messages.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_GenerateMessageID(self.handle)
def SendChatState(self, state):
"""SendChatState(object state) str
SendChatState sends the given chat state notification (e.g. composing message) to WhatsApp for the
contact specified within.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SendChatState(self.handle, state.handle)
def SendReceipt(self, receipt):
"""SendReceipt(object receipt) str
SendReceipt sends a read receipt to WhatsApp for the message IDs specified within.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SendReceipt(self.handle, receipt.handle)
def SendPresence(self, presence, statusMessage):
"""SendPresence(int presence, str statusMessage) str
SendPresence sets the activity state and (optional) status message for the current session and
user. An error is returned if setting availability fails for any reason.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SendPresence(self.handle, presence, statusMessage)
def GetGroups(self):
"""GetGroups() []object, str
GetGroups returns a list of all group-chats currently joined in WhatsApp, along with additional
information on present participants.
return Slice_whatsapp_Group(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_GetGroups(self.handle))
def CreateGroup(self, name, participants):
"""CreateGroup(str name, []str participants) object, str
CreateGroup attempts to create a new WhatsApp group for the given human-readable name and
participant JIDs given.
return Group(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_CreateGroup(self.handle, name, participants.handle))
def LeaveGroup(self, resourceID):
"""LeaveGroup(str resourceID) str
LeaveGroup attempts to remove our own user from the given WhatsApp group, for the JID given.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_LeaveGroup(self.handle, resourceID)
def GetAvatar(self, resourceID, avatarID):
"""GetAvatar(str resourceID, str avatarID) object, str
GetAvatar fetches a profile picture for the Contact or Group JID given. If a non-empty `avatarID`
is also given, GetAvatar will return an empty [Avatar] instance with no error if the remote state
for the given ID has not changed.
return Avatar(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_GetAvatar(self.handle, resourceID, avatarID))
def SetAvatar(self, resourceID, avatar):
"""SetAvatar(str resourceID, []int avatar) str, str
SetAvatar updates the profile picture for the Contact or Group JID given; it can also update the
profile picture for our own user by providing an empty JID. The unique picture ID is returned,
typically used as a cache reference or in providing to future calls for [Session.GetAvatar].
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SetAvatar(self.handle, resourceID, avatar.handle)
def SetGroupName(self, resourceID, name):
"""SetGroupName(str resourceID, str name) str
SetGroupName updates the name of a WhatsApp group for the Group JID given.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SetGroupName(self.handle, resourceID, name)
def SetGroupTopic(self, resourceID, topic):
"""SetGroupTopic(str resourceID, str topic) str
SetGroupName updates the topic of a WhatsApp group for the Group JID given.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SetGroupTopic(self.handle, resourceID, topic)
def UpdateGroupParticipants(self, resourceID, participants):
"""UpdateGroupParticipants(str resourceID, []object participants) []object, str
UpdateGroupParticipants processes changes to the given group's participants, including additions,
removals, and changes to privileges. Participant JIDs given must be part of the authenticated
session's roster at least, and must also be active group participants for other types of changes.
return Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_UpdateGroupParticipants(self.handle, resourceID, participants.handle))
def RequestMessageHistory(self, resourceID, oldestMessage):
"""RequestMessageHistory(str resourceID, object oldestMessage) str
RequestMessageHistory sends and asynchronous request for message history related to the given
resource (e.g. Contact or Group JID), ending at the oldest message given. Messages returned from
history should then be handled as a `HistorySync` event of type `ON_DEMAND`, in the session-wide
event handler. An error will be returned if requesting history fails for any reason.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_RequestMessageHistory(self.handle, resourceID, oldestMessage.handle)
def SetEventHandler(self, h, goRun=False):
"""SetEventHandler(callable h)
SetEventHandler assigns the given handler function for propagating internal events into the Python
gateway. Note that the event handler function is not entirely safe to use directly, and all calls
should instead be sent to the [Gateway] via its internal call channel.
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Session_SetEventHandler(self.handle, h, goRun)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Attachment
class Attachment(go.GoClass):
"""A Attachment represents additional binary data (e.g. images, videos, documents) provided alongside\na message, for display or storage on the recepient client.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.MIME = args[0]
if "MIME" in kwargs:
self.MIME = kwargs["MIME"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Filename = args[1]
if "Filename" in kwargs:
self.Filename = kwargs["Filename"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Caption = args[2]
if "Caption" in kwargs:
self.Caption = kwargs["Caption"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Data = args[3]
if "Data" in kwargs:
self.Data = kwargs["Data"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Attachment{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Attachment ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def MIME(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_MIME_Get(self.handle)
def MIME(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_MIME_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_MIME_Set(self.handle, value)
def Filename(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Filename_Get(self.handle)
def Filename(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Filename_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Filename_Set(self.handle, value)
def Caption(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Caption_Get(self.handle)
def Caption(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Caption_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Caption_Set(self.handle, value)
def Data(self):
return go.Slice_byte(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Data_Get(self.handle))
def Data(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_Data_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def GetSpec(self, ctx):
"""GetSpec(object ctx) object, str
GetSpec returns metadata for this attachment, as derived from the underlying attachment data.
return go.Ptr_media_Spec(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Attachment_GetSpec(self.handle, ctx.handle))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Connect
class Connect(go.GoClass):
"""Connect represents event data related to a connection to WhatsApp being established, or failing\nto do so (based on the [Connect.Error] result).\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.JID = args[0]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Error = args[1]
if "Error" in kwargs:
self.Error = kwargs["Error"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Connect{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Connect ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Error(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_Error_Get(self.handle)
def Error(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_Error_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Connect_Error_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Group
class Group(go.GoClass):
"""A Group represents a named, many-to-many chat space which may be joined or left at will. All\nfields apart from the group JID are considered to be optional, and may not be set in cases where\ngroup information is being updated against previous assumed state. Groups in WhatsApp are\ngenerally invited to out-of-band with respect to overarching adaptor; see the documentation for\n[Session.GetGroups] for more information.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.JID = args[0]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Name = args[1]
if "Name" in kwargs:
self.Name = kwargs["Name"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Subject = args[2]
if "Subject" in kwargs:
self.Subject = kwargs["Subject"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Nickname = args[3]
if "Nickname" in kwargs:
self.Nickname = kwargs["Nickname"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.Participants = args[4]
if "Participants" in kwargs:
self.Participants = kwargs["Participants"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Group{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Group ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Name(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Name_Get(self.handle)
def Name(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Name_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Name_Set(self.handle, value)
def Subject(self):
return GroupSubject(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Subject_Get(self.handle))
def Subject(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Subject_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def Nickname(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Nickname_Get(self.handle)
def Nickname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Nickname_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Nickname_Set(self.handle, value)
def Participants(self):
return Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Participants_Get(self.handle))
def Participants(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Group_Participants_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.GroupParticipant
class GroupParticipant(go.GoClass):
"""A GroupParticipant represents a contact who is currently joined in a given group. Participants in\nWhatsApp can always be derived back to their individual [Contact]; there are no anonymous groups\nin WhatsApp.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.JID = args[0]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Affiliation = args[1]
if "Affiliation" in kwargs:
self.Affiliation = kwargs["Affiliation"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Action = args[2]
if "Action" in kwargs:
self.Action = kwargs["Action"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.GroupParticipant{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.GroupParticipant ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Affiliation(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Affiliation_Get(self.handle)
def Affiliation(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Affiliation_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Affiliation_Set(self.handle, value)
def Action(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Action_Get(self.handle)
def Action(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Action_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupParticipant_Action_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.LinkedDevice
class LinkedDevice(go.GoClass):
"""A LinkedDevice represents a unique pairing session between the gateway and WhatsApp. It is not\nunique to the underlying \"main\" device (or phone number), as multiple linked devices may be paired\nwith any main device.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_LinkedDevice_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.ID = args[0]
if "ID" in kwargs:
self.ID = kwargs["ID"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.LinkedDevice{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.LinkedDevice ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def ID(self):
"""ID is an opaque string identifying this LinkedDevice to the Session. Noted that this string
is currently equivalent to a password, and needs to be protected accordingly.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_LinkedDevice_ID_Get(self.handle)
def ID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_LinkedDevice_ID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_LinkedDevice_ID_Set(self.handle, value)
def JID(self):
"""JID() object
JID returns the WhatsApp JID corresponding to the LinkedDevice ID. Empty or invalid device IDs
may return invalid JIDs, and this function does not handle errors.
return go.types_JID(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_LinkedDevice_JID(self.handle))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Location
class Location(go.GoClass):
"""A Location represents additional metadata given to location messages.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Latitude = args[0]
if "Latitude" in kwargs:
self.Latitude = kwargs["Latitude"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Longitude = args[1]
if "Longitude" in kwargs:
self.Longitude = kwargs["Longitude"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Accuracy = args[2]
if "Accuracy" in kwargs:
self.Accuracy = kwargs["Accuracy"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.IsLive = args[3]
if "IsLive" in kwargs:
self.IsLive = kwargs["IsLive"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.Name = args[4]
if "Name" in kwargs:
self.Name = kwargs["Name"]
if 5 < len(args):
self.Address = args[5]
if "Address" in kwargs:
self.Address = kwargs["Address"]
if 6 < len(args):
self.URL = args[6]
if "URL" in kwargs:
self.URL = kwargs["URL"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Location{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Location ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Latitude(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Latitude_Get(self.handle)
def Latitude(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Latitude_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Latitude_Set(self.handle, value)
def Longitude(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Longitude_Get(self.handle)
def Longitude(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Longitude_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Longitude_Set(self.handle, value)
def Accuracy(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Accuracy_Get(self.handle)
def Accuracy(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Accuracy_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Accuracy_Set(self.handle, value)
def IsLive(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_IsLive_Get(self.handle)
def IsLive(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_IsLive_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_IsLive_Set(self.handle, value)
def Name(self):
"""Optional fields given for named locations.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Name_Get(self.handle)
def Name(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Name_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Name_Set(self.handle, value)
def Address(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Address_Get(self.handle)
def Address(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Address_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_Address_Set(self.handle, value)
def URL(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_URL_Get(self.handle)
def URL(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_URL_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Location_URL_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Poll
class Poll(go.GoClass):
"""A Poll represents a multiple-choice question, on which each choice might be voted for one or more\ntimes.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Title = args[0]
if "Title" in kwargs:
self.Title = kwargs["Title"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Options = args[1]
if "Options" in kwargs:
self.Options = kwargs["Options"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Poll{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Poll ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Title(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_Title_Get(self.handle)
def Title(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_Title_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_Title_Set(self.handle, value)
def Options(self):
return Slice_whatsapp_PollOption(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_Options_Get(self.handle))
def Options(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Poll_Options_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Gateway
class Gateway(go.GoClass):
"""A Gateway represents a persistent process for establishing individual sessions between linked\ndevices and WhatsApp.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.DBPath = args[0]
if "DBPath" in kwargs:
self.DBPath = kwargs["DBPath"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Name = args[1]
if "Name" in kwargs:
self.Name = kwargs["Name"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.LogLevel = args[2]
if "LogLevel" in kwargs:
self.LogLevel = kwargs["LogLevel"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.TempDir = args[3]
if "TempDir" in kwargs:
self.TempDir = kwargs["TempDir"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Gateway{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Gateway ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def DBPath(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_DBPath_Get(self.handle)
def DBPath(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_DBPath_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_DBPath_Set(self.handle, value)
def Name(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_Name_Get(self.handle)
def Name(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_Name_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_Name_Set(self.handle, value)
def LogLevel(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_LogLevel_Get(self.handle)
def LogLevel(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_LogLevel_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_LogLevel_Set(self.handle, value)
def TempDir(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_TempDir_Get(self.handle)
def TempDir(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_TempDir_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_TempDir_Set(self.handle, value)
def Init(self):
"""Init() str
Init performs initialization procedures for the Gateway, and is expected to be run before any
calls to [Gateway.Session].
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_Init(self.handle)
def NewSession(self, device):
"""NewSession(object device) object
NewSession returns a new [Session] for the LinkedDevice given. If the linked device does not have
a valid ID, a pair operation will be required, as described in [Session.Login].
return Session(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_NewSession(self.handle, device.handle))
def CleanupSession(self, device):
"""CleanupSession(object device) str
CleanupSession will remove all invalid and obsolete references to the given device, and should be
used when pairing a new device or unregistering from the Gateway.
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Gateway_CleanupSession(self.handle, device.handle)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Presence
class Presence(go.GoClass):
"""Precence represents a contact's general state of activity, and is periodically updated as\ncontacts start or stop paying attention to their client of choice.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.JID = args[0]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Kind = args[1]
if "Kind" in kwargs:
self.Kind = kwargs["Kind"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.LastSeen = args[2]
if "LastSeen" in kwargs:
self.LastSeen = kwargs["LastSeen"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Presence{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Presence ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Kind(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_Kind_Get(self.handle)
def Kind(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_Kind_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_Kind_Set(self.handle, value)
def LastSeen(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_LastSeen_Get(self.handle)
def LastSeen(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_LastSeen_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Presence_LastSeen_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Preview
class Preview(go.GoClass):
"""A Preview represents a short description for a URL provided in a message body, as usually derived\nfrom the content of the page pointed at.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Kind = args[0]
if "Kind" in kwargs:
self.Kind = kwargs["Kind"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.URL = args[1]
if "URL" in kwargs:
self.URL = kwargs["URL"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Title = args[2]
if "Title" in kwargs:
self.Title = kwargs["Title"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Description = args[3]
if "Description" in kwargs:
self.Description = kwargs["Description"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.Thumbnail = args[4]
if "Thumbnail" in kwargs:
self.Thumbnail = kwargs["Thumbnail"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Preview{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Preview ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Kind(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Kind_Get(self.handle)
def Kind(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Kind_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Kind_Set(self.handle, value)
def URL(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_URL_Get(self.handle)
def URL(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_URL_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_URL_Set(self.handle, value)
def Title(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Title_Get(self.handle)
def Title(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Title_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Title_Set(self.handle, value)
def Description(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Description_Get(self.handle)
def Description(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Description_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Description_Set(self.handle, value)
def Thumbnail(self):
return go.Slice_byte(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Thumbnail_Get(self.handle))
def Thumbnail(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Preview_Thumbnail_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Call
class Call(go.GoClass):
"""A Call represents an incoming or outgoing voice/video call made over WhatsApp. Full support for\ncalls is currently not implemented, and this structure contains the bare minimum data required\nfor notifying on missed calls.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.State = args[0]
if "State" in kwargs:
self.State = kwargs["State"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.JID = args[1]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Timestamp = args[2]
if "Timestamp" in kwargs:
self.Timestamp = kwargs["Timestamp"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Call{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Call ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def State(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_State_Get(self.handle)
def State(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_State_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_State_Set(self.handle, value)
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Timestamp(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_Timestamp_Get(self.handle)
def Timestamp(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Call_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.ChatState
class ChatState(go.GoClass):
"""A ChatState represents the activity of a contact within a certain discussion, for instance,\nwhether the contact is currently composing a message. This is separate to the concept of a\nPresence, which is the contact's general state across all discussions.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Kind = args[0]
if "Kind" in kwargs:
self.Kind = kwargs["Kind"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.JID = args[1]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.GroupJID = args[2]
if "GroupJID" in kwargs:
self.GroupJID = kwargs["GroupJID"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.ChatState{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.ChatState ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Kind(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_Kind_Get(self.handle)
def Kind(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_Kind_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_Kind_Set(self.handle, value)
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def GroupJID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_GroupJID_Get(self.handle)
def GroupJID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_ChatState_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Contact
# Python type for struct whatsapp.GroupSubject
class GroupSubject(go.GoClass):
"""A GroupSubject represents the user-defined group description and attached metadata thereof, for a\ngiven [Group].\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Subject = args[0]
if "Subject" in kwargs:
self.Subject = kwargs["Subject"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.SetAt = args[1]
if "SetAt" in kwargs:
self.SetAt = kwargs["SetAt"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.SetByJID = args[2]
if "SetByJID" in kwargs:
self.SetByJID = kwargs["SetByJID"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.GroupSubject{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.GroupSubject ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Subject(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_Subject_Get(self.handle)
def Subject(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_Subject_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_Subject_Set(self.handle, value)
def SetAt(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetAt_Get(self.handle)
def SetAt(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetAt_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetAt_Set(self.handle, value)
def SetByJID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetByJID_Get(self.handle)
def SetByJID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetByJID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_GroupSubject_SetByJID_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.PollOption
class PollOption(go.GoClass):
"""A PollOption represents an individual choice within a broader poll.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_PollOption_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Title = args[0]
if "Title" in kwargs:
self.Title = kwargs["Title"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.PollOption{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.PollOption ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Title(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_PollOption_Title_Get(self.handle)
def Title(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_PollOption_Title_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_PollOption_Title_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct whatsapp.Receipt
class Receipt(go.GoClass):
"""A Receipt represents a notice of delivery or presentation for [Message] instances sent or\nreceived. Receipts can be delivered for many messages at once, but are generally all delivered\nunder one specific state at a time.\n"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Kind = args[0]
if "Kind" in kwargs:
self.Kind = kwargs["Kind"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.MessageIDs = args[1]
if "MessageIDs" in kwargs:
self.MessageIDs = kwargs["MessageIDs"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.JID = args[2]
if "JID" in kwargs:
self.JID = kwargs["JID"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.GroupJID = args[3]
if "GroupJID" in kwargs:
self.GroupJID = kwargs["GroupJID"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.Timestamp = args[4]
if "Timestamp" in kwargs:
self.Timestamp = kwargs["Timestamp"]
if 5 < len(args):
self.IsCarbon = args[5]
if "IsCarbon" in kwargs:
self.IsCarbon = kwargs["IsCarbon"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Receipt{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'whatsapp.Receipt ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Kind(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Kind_Get(self.handle)
def Kind(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Kind_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Kind_Set(self.handle, value)
def MessageIDs(self):
return go.Slice_string(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_MessageIDs_Get(self.handle))
def MessageIDs(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_MessageIDs_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def JID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_JID_Get(self.handle)
def JID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_JID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_JID_Set(self.handle, value)
def GroupJID(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_GroupJID_Get(self.handle)
def GroupJID(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_GroupJID_Set(self.handle, value)
def Timestamp(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Timestamp_Get(self.handle)
def Timestamp(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_Timestamp_Set(self.handle, value)
def IsCarbon(self):
return _whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_IsCarbon_Get(self.handle)
def IsCarbon(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_IsCarbon_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_whatsapp.whatsapp_Receipt_IsCarbon_Set(self.handle, value)
# ---- Slices ---
# ---- Maps ---
# ---- Constructors ---
def NewGateway():
"""NewGateway() object
NewGateway returns a new, un-initialized Gateway. This function should always be followed by calls
to [Gateway.Init], assuming a valid [Gateway.DBPath] is set.
return Gateway(handle=_whatsapp.whatsapp_NewGateway())
# ---- Functions ---