Source code for

import re
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AsyncIterator, Optional

from import LegacyBookmarks, LegacyMUC, LegacyParticipant, MucType
from slidge.util.archive_msg import HistoryMessage
from slidge.util.types import Hat, HoleBound, Mention, MucAffiliation
from slixmpp.exceptions import XMPPError

from .generated import go, whatsapp

    from .contact import Contact
    from .session import Session

[docs] class Participant(LegacyParticipant):
[docs] contact: "Contact"
[docs] muc: "MUC"
[docs] class MUC(LegacyMUC[str, str, Participant, str]):
[docs] session: "Session"
[docs] type = MucType.GROUP
[docs] HAS_DESCRIPTION = False
[docs] async def update_info(self): try: avatar = self.session.whatsapp.GetAvatar(self.legacy_id, self.avatar or "") if avatar.URL and self.avatar != avatar.ID: await self.set_avatar(avatar.URL, avatar.ID) elif avatar.URL == "" and avatar.ID == "": await self.set_avatar(None) except RuntimeError as err: self.session.log.error( "Failed getting avatar for group %s: %s", self.legacy_id, err )
[docs] async def backfill( self, after: HoleBound | None = None, before: HoleBound | None = None, ): """ Request history for messages older than the oldest message given by ID and date. """ if before is None: return # WhatsApp requires a full reference to the last seen message in performing on-demand sync. assert isinstance(, str) oldest_message = whatsapp.Message(, IsCarbon=self.session.message_is_carbon(self,, Timestamp=int(before.timestamp.timestamp()), ) self.session.whatsapp.RequestMessageHistory(self.legacy_id, oldest_message)
[docs] def get_message_sender(self, legacy_msg_id: str): assert is not None stored =, legacy_msg_id) if stored is None: raise XMPPError("internal-server-error", "Unable to find message sender") msg = HistoryMessage(stored.stanza) occupant_id = msg.stanza["occupant-id"]["id"] if occupant_id == "slidge-user": return self.session.contacts.user_legacy_id if "@" in occupant_id: jid_username = occupant_id.split("@")[0] return jid_username.removeprefix("+") + "@" + whatsapp.DefaultUserServer raise XMPPError("internal-server-error", "Unable to find message sender")
[docs] async def update_whatsapp_info(self, info: whatsapp.Group): """ Set MUC information based on WhatsApp group information, which may or may not be partial in case of updates to existing MUCs. """ if info.Nickname: self.user_nick = info.Nickname if info.Name: = info.Name if info.Subject.Subject: self.subject = info.Subject.Subject if info.Subject.SetAt: set_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(info.Subject.SetAt, tz=timezone.utc) self.subject_date = set_at if info.Subject.SetByJID: participant = await self.get_participant_by_legacy_id( info.Subject.SetByJID ) if name := participant.nickname: self.subject_setter = name self.session.whatsapp_participants[self.legacy_id] = info.Participants self.n_participants = len(info.Participants) # Since whatsmeow does always emit a whatsapp.Group event even for participant changes, # we need to do that to actually update the participant list. if self._participants_filled: async for _ in self.fill_participants(): pass
[docs] async def fill_participants(self) -> AsyncIterator[Participant]: await self.session.bookmarks.ready try: participants = self.session.whatsapp_participants.pop(self.legacy_id) except KeyError: self.log.warning("No participants!") return for data in participants: participant = await self.get_participant_by_legacy_id(data.JID) if data.Action == whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionRemove: self.remove_participant(participant) else: if data.Affiliation == whatsapp.GroupAffiliationAdmin: # Only owners can change the group name according to # XEP-0045, so we make all "WA admins" "XMPP owners" participant.affiliation = "owner" participant.role = "moderator" elif data.Affiliation == whatsapp.GroupAffiliationOwner: # The WA owner is in fact the person who created the room participant.set_hats( [Hat("", "Owner")] ) participant.affiliation = "owner" participant.role = "moderator" else: participant.affiliation = "member" participant.role = "participant" yield participant
[docs] async def replace_mentions(self, t: str): return replace_whatsapp_mentions( t, participants=( { p.nickname async for p in self.get_participants() if is not None # should not happen } | {self.session.user_phone: self.user_nick} if self.session.user_phone # user_phone *should* be set at this point, else {} # but better safe than sorry ), )
[docs] async def on_avatar(self, data: Optional[bytes], mime: Optional[str]) -> None: return self.session.whatsapp.SetAvatar( self.legacy_id, go.Slice_byte.from_bytes(data) if data else go.Slice_byte(), )
[docs] async def on_set_config( self, name: Optional[str], description: Optional[str], ): # there are no group descriptions in WA, but topics=subjects if != name: self.session.whatsapp.SetGroupName(self.legacy_id, name)
[docs] async def on_set_subject(self, subject: str): if self.subject != subject: self.session.whatsapp.SetGroupTopic(self.legacy_id, subject)
[docs] async def on_set_affiliation( self, contact: "Contact", # type:ignore affiliation: MucAffiliation, reason: Optional[str], nickname: Optional[str], ): assert contact.contact_pk is not None assert is not None if affiliation == "member": if (, contact.contact_pk) is not None ): action = whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionDemote else: action = whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionAdd elif affiliation == "admin": action = whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionPromote elif affiliation == "outcast" or affiliation == "none": action = whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionRemove else: raise XMPPError( "bad-request", f"You can't make a participant '{affiliation}' in WhatsApp", ) self.session.whatsapp.UpdateGroupParticipants( self.legacy_id, whatsapp.Slice_whatsapp_GroupParticipant( [whatsapp.GroupParticipant(JID=contact.legacy_id, Action=action)] ), )
[docs] class Bookmarks(LegacyBookmarks[str, MUC]):
[docs] session: "Session"
def __init__(self, session: "Session"): super().__init__(session)
[docs] self.__filled = False
[docs] async def fill(self): groups = self.session.whatsapp.GetGroups() for group in groups: await self.add_whatsapp_group(group) self.__filled = True
[docs] async def add_whatsapp_group(self, data: whatsapp.Group): muc = await self.by_legacy_id(data.JID) await muc.update_whatsapp_info(data) await muc.add_to_bookmarks()
[docs] async def legacy_id_to_jid_local_part(self, legacy_id: str): return "#" + legacy_id[: legacy_id.find("@")]
[docs] async def jid_local_part_to_legacy_id(self, local_part: str): if not local_part.startswith("#"): raise XMPPError("bad-request", "Invalid group ID, expected '#' prefix") if not self.__filled: raise XMPPError( "recipient-unavailable", "Still fetching group info, please retry later" ) whatsapp_group_id = ( local_part.removeprefix("#") + "@" + whatsapp.DefaultGroupServer ) if ( self.session.user_pk, whatsapp_group_id ) is None ): raise XMPPError("item-not-found", f"No group found for {whatsapp_group_id}") return whatsapp_group_id
[docs] def replace_xmpp_mentions(text: str, mentions: list[Mention]): offset: int = 0 result: str = "" for m in mentions: legacy_id = "@" +[:"@")] result = result + text[offset : m.start] + legacy_id offset = m.end return result + text[offset:] if offset > 0 else text
[docs] def replace_whatsapp_mentions(text: str, participants: dict[str, str]): def match(m: re.Match): group = return participants.get(group.replace("@", "+"), group) return re.sub(r"@\d+", match, text)