
The gateway



This is instantiated once by the slidge entrypoint.

Module Contents

class superduper.gateway.Gateway

This is instantiated once by the slidge entrypoint.

By customizing the class attributes, we customize the registration process, and display name of the component.

async validate(user_jid, registration_form)

This function receives the values of the form defined in REGISTRATION_FIELDS. Here, since we set REGISTRATION_TYPE to “2FA”, if this method does not raise any exception, the wannabe user will be prompted for their 2FA code.

  • user_jid (slixmpp.JID)

  • registration_form (dict[str, Optional[str]])


async validate_two_factor_code(user, code)

This function receives the 2FA code entered by the aspiring user.

It should raise something if the 2FA does not permit logging in to the legacy service.

  • user (slidge.GatewayUser)

  • code (str)

ROSTER_GROUP: str = 'slidge'

Name of the group assigned to a LegacyContact automagically added to the User’s roster with LegacyContact.add_to_roster().

WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Thank you for registering. Type 'help' to list the available commands, or just start messaging away!"

A welcome message displayed to users on registration. This is useful notably for clients that don’t consider component JIDs as a valid recipient in their UI, yet still open a functional chat window on incoming messages from components.

SEARCH_FIELDS: Sequence[slidge.command.base.FormField]

Fields used for searching items via the component, through XEP-0055 (jabber search). A common use case is to allow users to search for legacy contacts by something else than their usernames, eg their phone number.

Plugins should implement search by overriding (restricted to registered users).

If there is only one field, it can also be used via the jabber:iq:gateway protocol described in XEP-0100. Limitation: this only works if the search request returns one result item, and if this item has a ‘jid’ var.

SEARCH_TITLE: str = 'Search for legacy contacts'

Title of the search form.


Instructions of the search form.


Set this to True if the legacy service provides a real equivalent of message delivery receipts (XEP-0184), meaning that there is an event thrown when the actual device of a contact receives a message. Make sure to call Contact.received() adequately if this is set to True.

AVATAR_ID_TYPE: Callable[[str], Any]

Modify this if the legacy network uses unique avatar IDs that are not strings.

This is required because we store those IDs as TEXT in the persistent SQL DB. The callable specified here will receive is responsible for converting the serialised-as-text version of the avatar unique ID back to the proper type. Common example: int.

LEGACY_MSG_ID_TYPE: Callable[[str], Any]

Modify this if the legacy network uses unique message IDs that are not strings.

This is required because we store those IDs as TEXT in the persistent SQL DB. The callable specified here will receive is responsible for converting the serialised-as-text version of the message unique ID back to the proper type. Common example: int.

LEGACY_CONTACT_ID_TYPE: Callable[[str], Any]

Modify this if the legacy network uses unique contact IDs that are not strings.

This is required because we store those IDs as TEXT in the persistent SQL DB. The callable specified here is responsible for converting the serialised-as-text version of the contact unique ID back to the proper type. Common example: int.

LEGACY_ROOM_ID_TYPE: Callable[[str], Any]

Modify this if the legacy network uses unique room IDs that are not strings.

This is required because we store those IDs as TEXT in the persistent SQL DB. The callable specified here is responsible for converting the serialised-as-text version of the room unique ID back to the proper type. Common example: int.

abstract get_qr_text(user)


user (slidge.db.GatewayUser)

Return type:


This is where slidge gets the QR code content for the QR-based registration process. It will turn it into a QR code image and send it to the not-yet-fully-registered GatewayUser.

Only used in when BaseGateway.REGISTRATION_TYPE is RegistrationType.QRCODE.


user (slidge.db.GatewayUser) – The GatewayUser whose registration is pending Use their GatewayUser.bare_jid and/or registration_form attributes to get what you need.

Return type:


async confirm_qr(user_bare_jid, exception=None, legacy_data=None)

This method is meant to be called to finalize QR code-based registration flows, once the legacy service confirms the QR flashing.

Only used in when BaseGateway.REGISTRATION_TYPE is RegistrationType.QRCODE.

  • user_bare_jid (str) – The bare JID of the almost-registered GatewayUser instance

  • exception (Optional[Exception]) – Optionally, an XMPPError to be raised to not confirm QR code flashing.

  • legacy_data (Optional[dict]) – dict which keys and values will be added to the persistent “legacy_module_data” for this user.

async unregister(user)

Optionally override this if you need to clean additional stuff after a user has been removed from the persistent user store.

By default, this just calls BaseSession.logout().


user (slidge.db.GatewayUser)

async input(jid, text=None, mtype='chat', **msg_kwargs)

Request arbitrary user input using a simple chat message, and await the result.

You shouldn’t need to call this directly bust instead use BaseSession.input() to directly target a user.

  • jid (slixmpp.JID) – The JID we want input from

  • text – A prompt to display for the user

  • mtype (slixmpp.types.MessageTypes) – Message type


The user’s reply

Return type:


async send_qr(text, **msg_kwargs)

Sends a QR Code to a JID

You shouldn’t need to call directly bust instead use BaseSession.send_qr() to directly target a user.

  • text (str) – The text that will be converted to a QR Code

  • msg_kwargs – Optional additional arguments to pass to BaseGateway.send_file(), such as the recipient of the QR, code

invite_to(muc, reason=None, password=None, **send_kwargs)

Send an invitation to join a group (XEP-0249) from this XMPP Entity.

  • muc ( – the muc the user is invited to

  • reason (Optional[str]) – a text explaining why the user should join this muc

  • password (Optional[str]) – maybe this will make sense later? not sure

  • send_kwargs – additional kwargs to be passed to _send() (internal use by slidge)


Send an “active” chat state (XEP-0085) from this XMPP Entity.


Send a “composing” (ie “typing notification”) chat state (XEP-0085) from this XMPP Entity.


Send a “paused” (ie “typing paused notification”) chat state (XEP-0085) from this XMPP Entity.


Send an “inactive” (ie “contact has not interacted with the chat session interface for an intermediate period of time”) chat state (XEP-0085) from this XMPP Entity.


Send a “gone” (ie “contact has not interacted with the chat session interface, system, or device for a relatively long period of time”) chat state (XEP-0085) from this XMPP Entity.

ack(legacy_msg_id, **kwargs)

Send an “acknowledged” message marker (XEP-0333) from this XMPP Entity.


legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – The message this marker refers to

received(legacy_msg_id, **kwargs)

Send a “received” message marker (XEP-0333) from this XMPP Entity. If called on a LegacyContact, also send a delivery receipt marker (XEP-0184).


legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – The message this marker refers to

displayed(legacy_msg_id, **kwargs)

Send a “displayed” message marker (XEP-0333) from this XMPP Entity.


legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – The message this marker refers to

send_text(body, legacy_msg_id=None, *, when=None, reply_to=None, thread=None, hints=None, carbon=False, archive_only=False, correction=False, correction_event_id=None, link_previews=None, **send_kwargs)

Send a text message from this XMPP Entity.

  • body (str) – Content of the message

  • legacy_msg_id (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType]) – If you want to be able to transport read markers from the gateway user to the legacy network, specify this

  • when (Optional[datetime.datetime]) – when the message was sent, for a “delay” tag (XEP-0203)

  • reply_to (Optional[slidge.util.types.MessageReference]) – Quote another message (XEP-0461)

  • hints (Optional[Iterable[slidge.util.types.ProcessingHint]])

  • thread (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyThreadType])

  • carbon – (only used if called on a LegacyContact) Set this to True if this is actually a message sent to the LegacyContact by the User. Use this to synchronize outgoing history for legacy official apps.

  • correction – whether this message is a correction or not

  • correction_event_id (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType]) – in the case where an ID is associated with the legacy ‘correction event’, specify it here to use it on the XMPP side. If not specified, a random ID will be used.

  • link_previews (Optional[list[slidge.util.types.LinkPreview]]) – A little of sender (or server, or gateway)-generated previews of URLs linked in the body.

  • archive_only – (only in groups) Do not send this message to user, but store it in the archive. Meant to be used during MUC.backfill()

correct(legacy_msg_id, new_text, *, when=None, reply_to=None, thread=None, hints=None, carbon=False, archive_only=False, correction_event_id=None, link_previews=None, **send_kwargs)

Modify a message that was previously sent by this XMPP Entity.

Uses last message correction (XEP-0308)

  • new_text (str) – New content of the message

  • legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – The legacy message ID of the message to correct

  • when (Optional[datetime.datetime]) – when the message was sent, for a “delay” tag (XEP-0203)

  • reply_to (Optional[slidge.util.types.MessageReference]) – Quote another message (XEP-0461)

  • hints (Optional[Iterable[slidge.util.types.ProcessingHint]])

  • thread (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyThreadType])

  • carbon – (only in 1:1) Reflect a message sent to this Contact by the user. Use this to synchronize outgoing history for legacy official apps.

  • archive_only – (only in groups) Do not send this message to user, but store it in the archive. Meant to be used during MUC.backfill()

  • correction_event_id (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType]) – in the case where an ID is associated with the legacy ‘correction event’, specify it here to use it on the XMPP side. If not specified, a random ID will be used.

  • link_previews (Optional[list[slidge.util.types.LinkPreview]]) – A little of sender (or server, or gateway)-generated previews of URLs linked in the body.

react(legacy_msg_id, emojis=(), thread=None, **kwargs)

Send a reaction (XEP-0444) from this XMPP Entity.

  • legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – The message which the reaction refers to.

  • emojis (Iterable[str]) – An iterable of emojis used as reactions

  • thread (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyThreadType])

retract(legacy_msg_id, thread=None, **kwargs)

Send a message retraction (XEP-0424) from this XMPP Entity.

  • legacy_msg_id (slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType) – Legacy ID of the message to delete

  • thread (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyThreadType])

async send_file(file_path=None, legacy_msg_id=None, *, async_data_stream=None, data_stream=None, data=None, file_url=None, file_name=None, content_type=None, reply_to=None, when=None, caption=None, legacy_file_id=None, thread=None, **kwargs)

Send a single file from this XMPP Entity.

  • file_path (Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]) – Path to the attachment

  • async_data_stream (Optional[AsyncIterator[bytes]]) – Alternatively (and ideally) an AsyncIterator yielding bytes

  • data_stream (Optional[IO[bytes]]) – Alternatively, a stream of bytes (such as a File object)

  • data (Optional[bytes]) – Alternatively, a bytes object

  • file_url (Optional[str]) – Alternatively, a URL

  • file_name (Optional[str]) – How the file should be named.

  • content_type (Optional[str]) – MIME type, inferred from filename if not given

  • legacy_msg_id (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyMessageType]) – If you want to be able to transport read markers from the gateway user to the legacy network, specify this

  • reply_to (Optional[slidge.util.types.MessageReference]) – Quote another message (XEP-0461)

  • when (Optional[datetime.datetime]) – when the file was sent, for a “delay” tag (XEP-0203)

  • caption (Optional[str]) – an optional text that is linked to the file

  • legacy_file_id (Optional[Union[str, int]]) – A unique identifier for the file on the legacy network. Plugins should try their best to provide it, to avoid duplicates.

  • thread (Optional[slidge.util.types.LegacyThreadType])

Return type:

tuple[Optional[str], list[slixmpp.Message]]