Slidge Design

The main slidge entrypoint will automatically detect which classes have been subclassed and use them automagically. Just subclass away, and launch your legacy module with slidge --legacy-module=your.importable.legacy_module.

At the very minimum, you will need to subclass BaseGateway and BaseSession for a legacy module to be functional.

JID local parts to legacy IDs

You probably also want to subclass LegacyRoster and LegacyBookmarks to define how JID local parts map to legacy user or contact IDs. Defining which local parts map to proper valid user legacy IDs is crucial to discriminate between JIDs that map to a LegacyContact and those that map to a LegacyMUC. You should override jid_username_to_legacy_id(), legacy_id_to_jid_username(), jid_username_to_legacy_id(), and legacy_id_to_jid_username() in your custom LegacyRoster and LegacyBookmarks classes, and raise an appropriate XMPPError when called with an invalid argument.

Fetching info from the legacy service

By subclassing LegacyContact and LegacyMUC, you will be able to define how XMPP Entities update information about themselves, such as their user-facing name and the Avatar that represents them. This is done by overriding and, in which you should raise an XMPPError in case their legacy_id attribute is not valid.

Pre-filling contacts and groups

The coroutines and will be awaited just after login() and should be used to pre-fill known “friends” and groups.