
Ad-hoc Command

A way to interact with the gateway component (or any xmpp entities) via a series of forms, to trigger actions or request information. See XEP-0050 for more details.


A picture representing an XMPP Entity, such as a profile picture for a slidge.LegacyContact


In the XMPP world, carbons (XEP-0280) are messages sent by the XMPP server to keep outgoing chat history in sync between different clients connected to the same XMPP account (eg, a desktop and mobile app). In slidge however, this refers to actions of the User done from an Official client.

Chatbot Command

A way to interact with the gateway component via chat messages, a bit like a shell.


Either an Ad-hoc Command or a Chatbot Command. Slidge provides the same commands via both interfaces, so they can be used on any client.

JID Local Part

The “username” part of a JID, eg username in

Legacy Contact

Someone using the legacy network to communicate with the User.

Legacy Module

An XMPP gateway based on slidge.

Legacy Network

The messaging network slidge (and the User) communicates with.

Official Client

The reference client(s) for a legacy network. Examples: telegram-android and telegram-desktop for the telegram network.


This is how the “contact list” is called in XMPP.


Someone using slidge, ie, someone who has an XMPP account and registered to a slidge-based XMPP component.

XMPP Entity

Someone or something that has a JID, such as an XMPP user account (eg,, an XMPP component (eg,, an XMPP Multi-User Chat (MUC in short, eg, an XMPP server (eg,, … basically anything that has a JID.

“Legacy” may sound weird since XMPP is pretty old now, but slidge follows the convention of XEP-0100.